The Choir's final concert - St. Paul's Cathedral, London

Sunday, October 17, 2010


It has been a long but remarkable day for us in the UK, friends. We left Oxford early this morning. The sun was shining and there was a wee bit of frost here and there. We first stopped and walked around Stonehenge. There was not a cloud in the sky and we enjoyed the beauty of this ancient stone formation in full sun.

We then drove to Winchester, a lovely town whose cathedral boasts the longest nave in the UK. The Choir performed their forth concert of the tour, and in their director's opinion, it was the best performance yet. We had time to rehearse on the chancel steps, and the rich acoustic was grand to sing in! We had an appreciative audience, and many enjoyed a tour of the cathedral after the concert.

Winchester Cathedral was founded in the year 624 and the current building dates back to the 11th century. Jane Austen is buried in Winchester Cathedral. Following lunch and a sunny Sunday stroll through Winchester, we boarded our coach and drove to London, our final city of the tour. Several of us took the Tube into Picadilly and had dinner.

Tomorrow we see the city sights, some will tour Canterbury in the afternoon, and some will attend London theatre in the evening. Our final concert is Tuesday midday.

All is well and we are happy to be in London! Scroll down to see lots of pictures from today.



  1. At my next doctor's appointment I am going to have to do some explaining as to why I'm green all over. Luckily she is very understanding and will accept that it is a result of my deep envy of your choir tpur! We are having beautiful weather here, but the St. Louis trees aren't doing too well--lots of brown leaves blowing everywhere, few really lovely colors anywhere.

  2. Make that choir tour, not tpur. Evidently envy affects typing.
